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Carl Scarlett

Thanet electrician -and artist -Carl Scarlett,  was brought up in Broadstairs and his paintings are inspired by the place he knows and loves.

Schooled at St Georges, Carl went on initially to the University of Kent’s Institute of Art & Design. However the realisation that a passion for, and talent in, the fine arts, might not pay the bills persuaded him to become a sparky instead whilst dipping in and out of his true passion.

After his son was born a decade ago, he picked up the pencil again and a talent began to blossom.

Like the proverbial once you’ve rode a bicycle the ability never leaves, so it seemed with Carl and his artwork.

​​"There’s been a lot of application, dedication, to wanting to do it and it’s been a bit  like medication in a way; time very easily runs away with itself when you become engrossed in what you do.”


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